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Creating Beautiful Spaces One Wall at a Time!

We invite you to explore our wall covering company, Infinity Wall Coverings!

It is often said that the best gift purchased for others is the one you would like to keep for you! It means that thought, care, analysis and consideration were part of the decision-making. You thought of the person, you took care in selecting a gift with quality, you analyzed the price and carefully considered their lifestyle. This is the principle under which Infinity Coverings was founded. At Infinity Coverings, we take that same approach and special care at selecting quality-designed 3D wall décor panels that can be customized to fit your lifestyle and at affordable prices. Because living is a matter of style!

fancy gold office room with couch and wall coverings

Your Space, Your Design

“After installing the Aryl and Brandy design panels in two wall spaces at my private residence, I loved them so much and found the fact that these could be painted any color I wanted so incredible, I wanted everyone in the world to have one.” Co-founder Vannessa Serrano.

We invite you to unleash the designer in you! Your space, your design!

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!