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Luxury Window Coverings in Miami

We offer the biggest selection of blinds, shades, and drapes. We custom make our products using the highest quality fabrics and components the market has to offer. We represent the most prestigious brands in window treatment industry such as Hunter Douglas, Comfortex and Lutron. Choose Divine Design Coverings to perfectly cover your home with style and functionality.

living room with window coverings looking out at ocean

Sheer Elegance

Innovative design that allows you to adjust the shade to the desired overlapping distance between the solid and sheer stripes of the fabric. Once the shade is all the way down the solid stripes will cover the entire window, give privacy and maximum light filtering.
Several options in color, materials, textures.
All custom made in manual or motorized.

living room with window coverings

Roman Shades

Roman Shades In screen, light filtering and black-out fabrics, several options in color, structure and shape, elegant and classic or modern custom made in manual or motorized.

office with window coverings

Roller Shades

Screen fabric Roller Shades provide just the right amount of light to keep your home at the optimal temperature. Screen fabrics are available in several percentages, which determines how much the sun is filtered. Stain resistant easy and to keep clean.
Also available in multiple fabric options, colors, and textures in both private and light filtering fabrics. Custom made In manual or motorized.

Roller Shades Black-Out

Complete privacy for any room in heat resistant material design to block the light! Option available with a fascia top valance. Side-Channels provide complete black-out and allow the shade to freely slide up and down to completely seal the window. The most efficient shade can be custom made in manual or motorized.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!